Part 1 DAILY DIALOG (Click to Open/Close)
Welcome to Week 1 Day 3 Part 1!
(Click here to download.)Read each line out loud several times. Then, click on the little microphone and say it to the computer. (The microphone icon is sometimes unresponsive, you may have to click it more than once to start it or reset it. Don't give up!)
1. SAY: Can I ask you to move your chair?
2. SAY: Will you roll up your sleeve?
3. SAY: Thank you.
4. SAY: Would you relax your arm?
5. SAY: Can you hold your arm like this?
Welcome to Week 1 Day 3 Part 2!
Plasma Tubes
Today we'll start learning about the PLASMA tubes! Most of the rest of the tubes will be plasma tubes. Unlike serum tubes, the blood in a plasma tube never clots!All plasma tubes have an anticoagulant, which keeps the blood from clotting. When plasma tubes are spun in a centrifuge, the sample separates: heavier elements on the bottom/plasma on the top.
Plasma contains clotting factors which is what Plasma Centers want. They will buy yours every couple of weeks for pretty good money!
Yesterday we learned about the SERUM GEL TWINS Marble Red and Gold. Well, the fun continues with another TWOFER! MARBLE GREEN and MINT are twins on the PLASMA SIDE of the FAMILY.
Like the serum twins, the plasma twins are alike in every respect except for their stoppers. They also both have a GEL like their Serum counterparts. The difference is that the plasma twins contain an anticoagulant to keep the blood from clotting. These two tubes are used for STAT (short-turn-around-time) tests. (Because no time is lost waiting for the blood to clot, the sample is ready to test as soon as the tube has been filled!)
Visit this link and print and complete the relevant worksheet(s).
Part 3 PST! PRICELESS STUDY TIP (Click to Open/Close)
Welcome to Week 1 Day 3 Part 3!
Form a Study Group!
Have you considered taking advantage of the small study rooms in the library to form your own study group? Collective review of Cornell Notes or a discussion about the days event can help you learn! Get connected!
Or, go virtual:
This link will teach you to form a study group with up to 10 people!