Week 1 Day 2

jQuery UI Accordion - Default functionality

Part 1      DAILY DIALOG                                          (Click to Open/Close)

Welcome to Week 1 Day 3 Part 1!


     Listen to the Avatar say the dialog a few times until you're comfortable with it. Then click on the little microphone icons and say each line. Practice until the words you say match the dialog.
Read each line out loud several times. Then, click on the little microphone and say it to the computer.  (The microphone icon is sometimes unresponsive, you may have to click it more than once to start it or reset it. Don't give up!)

1. SAY:    How are you feeling today?   

2. SAY:    Do you have any medical conditions or allergies? 

3. SAY:    Have you had your blood drawn before?  

4. SAY:    Everything’s going to be fine. Make yourself comfortable. 

5. SAY:    Can you sit back in your chair? 

Part 2      TODAY'S TUBE AND LINK TO WORKSHEETS                            (Click to Open/Close)

Welcome to Week 1 Day 2 Part 2!

The Serum Tubes: RED, MARBLE RED and GOLD

Today's tube is a "twofer." The MARBLE RED and GOLD tubes are considered TWINS. Why? Because they are the same in every respect except for their stoppers.

     Visit this link and print and complete the relevant worksheet(s).

Part 3       PST! PRICELESS STUDY TIP                         (Click to Open/Close)

Part 4      LAB SKILLS                                                    (Click to Open/Close)

Part 5      KNOWLEDGE BASE/TERMINOLOGY                 (Click to Open/Close)